If you're as interested in flying as we are, it's the best mode of transportation in the Big Horn Basin. There will be links to other info that I valued to put on my favorites list.
Greybull airport (KGEY) is called the South Big Horn County Airport and houses the Hawkins and Powers aerial fire fighting operation. They have a great museum!
Romeo at Powell Airport
Looking North over the ranch
The Cody airport (KCOD) is the main hub for Yellowstone tourism. Check out the North Big Horn County Airport (U68) for local petrol costs. The Powell Airport is not hard to miss on top of the mesa (KPOY); they are improving the area and may be offering a sail plane operation. If you want to golf and take in the joy of a thermal hot pool, head for Thermopolis (KTHP). The golf course is adjacent to the airport.
The closest major hub is Billings (KBIL) 105 miles north of Greybull. Check out their Web page for services Logan International Airport
CIVIL AIR PATROLhas (2) squadrons in the Big Horn Basin. We/They are quite active with both Seniors and Cadets. Check us/them out through the Wing's website http://sites.google.com/a/capwyhq.org/wywgcap