"Bugler's Taps" by Larry Edgar, Western Heritage Studio, Cody Wyoming, prints and bronzes, each historically accurate in every detail

By L.D. Edgar


About Larry Edgar



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The battle is done. Across the plains comes the plaintive note of a bugle, brought forth by lips less masterful than those that led the charge.  Buglar's Taps signifies the death of a cavalry bugler during the Western Indian Wars Period of 1865-1885.

Exclusive issue of only 50 pieces at $950.00 each.  Add $30.00 for mail order shipping and handling.  It stands 14½" H x 9" W.

Order "Bugler's Taps" by L.D. Edgar of Western Heritage Studio, Cody Wyoming


L.D. Edgar, Historical Western Artist - Prints and Bronzes, Cody Wyoming
Western Heritage Studio, Cody Wyoming
P.O. Box 133 ~ Cody, Wyoming 82414
E-mail: whs@tritel.net 
Toll Free 1-877-603-0011


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