When all fell silent that morning, four of the Dalton Gang lay dead; Bon and Grat Dalton, Bill Powers and Dick Broadwell, with the other member severly wounded; 20 year old Emmett Dalton. Four citizens gave their lives - Charles Brown, George Cubine, Charles Connelly and Lucius Baldwin. Three others were wounded. Brave men rode on both sides of the law that day. In the battle Emmett Dalton rode back through a hail of gunfire to save his wounded brother. He was cut down. Had he foregone this gesture, he might have escaped. This last act of valor is depicted in "Brothers of the Gun".
It stands 18" tall and 14" wide. It is mounted on a fine quality 2" thick American Walnut base with a brass name plate. This is a limited edition of only 20 and the price is $6,500.
P.O. Box 133 ~ Cody, Wyoming 82414
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