Ray Becker, owner of Ray's Cane Company of Ten Sleep,
Wyoming, is a master craftsman at making quality walking canes.
Ray's Canes are available in a variety of woods including:
- Coco Bola Rosewood
- Black Walnut
- Canarywood
- Birdseye Maple
- Paduak
- Purpleheart
- Teak
- Zebrawood
- Bubinga
- Wenge
- Or any suitable exotic and domestic wood
All canes are made 37" long, but can be made longer or
shorter to fit the customer's needs.
Click on the "Ray's Canes" button below for a sample of Ray's custom made
walking canes...
Sample of Ray's Canes | E-mail Ray |

Raymond Becker
114 County Road 49
Ten Sleep, WY 824428800 / Phone 307-366-2729
E-mail: rayscane@tctwest.net
Hours: Monday through Saturday 8
a.m.-9 p.m.
Answering Service is Available |
Catalog available upon request; $5.00 refundable on first order.
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